
Showing posts from January, 2014

The Beauty of Positive Thinking

“Even perfect days can end in rain and though it’s pouring down, I see You through the clouds, shining on my face…” – Francesca Battiselli, Beautiful, Beautiful I was running errands the other day in preparation for the “Polar Vortex” that was getting ready to hit. It was cold and windy already, and I’d been driving around all day. I was ready to finish up and head home to spend some quality time with my jammies and Netflix, but I had one last stop to make. I came to a stoplight and, since everyone else had the same idea as me, there were at least 20 other cars in front of me. I tried to think of something, anything , that would get my mind off the thought of bashing my head into the window as entertainment. I finally decided to just look out the window. What I saw was pretty boring. There was a cluster of people waiting for the bus, a few kids playing soccer at an elementary school, a teenager coming out of the library with a stack of books; nothing out of the ordinary. But then