
Showing posts from 2015

What I Really Learned in College (so far…)

“I know I’ve left a life behind, but I’m too relieved to grieve…” I’ve never seen myself not going to college. It was always something that I knew I needed to do in order to get where I need to be in life. My education was always my highest priority and even when I struggled, I knew that failure wasn’t an option. I thought that school was everything, but then I actually got to college. Even though I still have at least a year and a half left of school, I thought I would go ahead and share some of the things I have learned thus far. Freshman Year: Cut ties from people you didn’t like in high school. Sometimes, you’re only friends with the people in high school because you have to see them for 8 hours every day, five days a week. Once everyone leaves for college, you are no longer tied to them! I think that as soon as the day after graduation, I did a complete purge my Facebook. Do the same! Delete the guy who only tweets sexist comments and the girl who thinks that Inst

Disney College Program Update #1

It still hasn’t hit me that I’m actually here. I’ve been here for 3 weeks and it already feels like it's been months. There has been so much that has happened that I haven’t really been able to sit down and take it all in. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure if it will ever hit me. I’ve been waiting to do this program since I was a freshman in high school- that was 7 years ago. And here I am today having the time of my life and being completely blow away by God’s blessings. I can probably use this blog post to not only catch everyone else up to speed on my life lately, but I might be able to help myself catch up. My mom and I drove down to Florida the Friday before I had to check in to my program. I think that this was the most nervous I had ever been when it came to driving. My mom was driving down with me, but she was taking her van and I was taking my car, so that meant that I would be driving by myself for 13 hours. Straight. The longest I’ve ever driven was 5 hours in a

Rewind the 2014 VCR...

At the beginning of the year, I wrote a post about my New Year Revolutions. I was going to “[rebel] against all of the anger, fear, pain, and cruelty that has been holding me back, and [fight] for all of the good things that I deserve”. So that’s exactly what I did. I had no idea that my year would turn out the way it did. I didn’t expect anything really incredible or amazing to happen to me. I was just planning on this being a year to be happy and work on my recovery. But God took those plans, crumbled them up, and rewrote them, just as He always does when I make my own plans. His Plan wasn’t for me to settle, it was for me to be bent so much that I had to break. I had to be plucked out of my comfort-zone full of the word “yes” and the words “it’s my fault” and He raised me up higher than I ever imagined possible. At the beginning of the year, I was broken and scared, and now, at the very end of this year, I find myself liberated, excited, and happy. I am happy. So now, let’s