Dear 10 year old me…
As cliché as it sounds, childhood was such a simpler time. We could run around and get dirty, our homework was MUCH easier, and the only thing we had to stress about was whether or not Gordo was going to tell Lizzie how he felt about her. Ah, those were the days. As a 21 year old woman who has seen her fair share of joys and difficulties, I wish I could go back in time to share some of my wisdom with my 10 year old self. I know how much you worry about people not liking you, people judging you, people thinking badly of you… Do not let those thoughts overtake you. Will some people not like you? Yes. Will some people judge you? Yes. Will some people think badly of you? Yes. But not all will think that. The one person you can trust as a child is the one person you can trust as an adult. Yup, that’s right; Kristin is still your best friend. 15 years later, she is still your rock, your soul sister, your immediate go-to. No matter how long you go without seeing each other or how ma...