Technology Overload
Wow, it has
been quite a while since my last post. I was going to make it a priority to
write a new blog post every week or two, but things just got crazy. Between
school, work, actually having a social life, family obligations, and everything
else that is included in a hectic life, writing a new blog post got put on the
back burner. When the to-do lists are a mile long and life demands to be lived,
I don’t always get to blog. I think that’s why people who use social media
every 5 seconds really annoys me.
Have you
ever been out with your friends or family and everyone is on their cellphone?
If not (which I highly doubt), I’ll tell you about it: It is so freaking
annoying! People who are glued to their text messages or their Twitter drive me
nuts! Believe it or not, life exists outside of that little black box. There is
hardly ever a single second where my brother’s eyes leave that glowing screen.
When we’re out to dinner, when we’re watching a movie at home, when we are
driving somewhere, when he’s supposed to be going to sleep; it’s as if his
hands are magnets! Some days, I hardly ever see his face… Now, I’m not going to
lie, I pretty much always have my phone at my side and I like taking selfies as
much as the next basic white girl, but I like to live my life, I like to truly
It’s not
hard for me to go for days without posting on Facebook, weeks without applying
a filter on Instagram, months without #usingahashtag on Twitter. During
November, I did the annual “30 Days of Thanks” posts on Facebook, and, to be
honest, it was kind of hard. Not being thankful, because I’m thankful for all
of the things that God has blessed me with, but posting every day. I don’t see
a reason to update people on what I’m doing every second of every day. I love
seeing pictures of what people are doing with their friends and family or where
they are traveling. I like seeing things that matter. Another political article
and yet another selfie with hundreds of hashtags are things I don’t want to
In short,
your life is yours, so maybe you should keep it for yourself. Go ahead, take
that picture of your baby standing up and holding onto the table where Santa’s cookies
are, but don’t Instagram it just yet. If you do, you may miss her first
steps. Savor those seemingly minute moments. It’s these small moments that make
your life.
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