
Everyone has their own opinion about the Kardashian/Jenner women. Personally, Khloe is my favorite. She is protective of her family, she never apologizes for being completely herself, and her confidence is unrivaled. She was always told that she was the “fat sister”, but when she decided that enough was enough, she took matters into her own hands and coined the term “Revenge Body”. She worked hard to get a body that she could be proud of while making everyone who ever doubted her think twice before making that mistake again.

And that’s what I’m going to do.

I’ve had a roller coaster last 5 years. I’ve battled eating disorders, depression, anxiety, rejection, loneliness, heartbreak… Seriously, the list goes on. After another day of wishing I looked different, I decided to do something about it.

After this spring semester ended, I signup up for Planet Fitness. I liked the number of machines and the fact that it was open 24/7. I decided to sign up for the more expensive membership, as it comes with some pretty nice perks, including access to massage chairs and tanning beds. I wouldn’t mind getting some color despite sitting at a computer all day…

Once my schedule was more stable, I could start going to the gym. I went for an hour one day after work. My friend joined me a few days later, and we were there for almost 2 hours. I started to see how much I liked this gym. That’s when I decided;

I was going to get a revenge body.

I was going to work out, get nice and tan, whiten my teeth, highlight my hair, get my nails done more often, make a point to dress up even if it’s just to go to the store… I was going to get hot.

Sure, I’m doing this to be healthy and happy, but I’m also doing it because I deserve it. I deserve to run into my ex and look just as bombin’ as I feel. I deserve to make that f***boy regret the day he lied to me. I deserve to make the “friend” who tried to change me so that I’d get laid wish she kept her mouth shut.

#RevengeBody2k17 is something that I’m going to be (trying) to report on often. I want to use my social media platforms to hold me accountable.

I’m not going to lie, guys, I’m really excited to be the “hot girl”.
