Tunes-Day: Disney Motivation
Hello, world! Let me start by apologizing for not posting any blogs last week. You know how you get so excited and have a plan for everything, but then life happens and you don't follow through? It isn't fun. I got discouraged last week for a number of reasons. Class assignments, exams, not blogging, and, of course, my impending future. Usually when I get overwhelmed, I do things that help me feel better like painting my nails or drinking a cut of tea. One of my favorite things to do to feel better is watch a Disney movie (the live-action Cinderella, Pocahontas, and Beauty and the Beast are my current go-to's...) I find everything about them inspiring and motivating, especially when life get's dark. From the character development to the story-line to the music, I always feel loads better after I watch a Disney movie. Here are my Top 5 most inspirational Disney songs: 1) A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes - Cinderella How can I not start this list with the ...