Treat yo-self Thursday, February 9 2017

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who starts to feel the burnout of the week by Thursday. Thursdays are actually my favorite day of the week! I usually have class in the morning and then I go to the chapel on campus. I do homework and  hang out with my friends until TNS (Thursday Night Supper) begins. We have Mass, a home cooked (FREE) meal, and a talk. We end around 7pm and them I'm free for the rest of the night.

Usually, I take Thursday nights to relax and unwind. I count Thursdays as the end of my week. I may have class or something on Friday, but I'm usually pretty swamped on the weekends; it's basically like another week within a week. I'll take a nice shower, make myself some tea, settle in with some Netflix around 9, and I'm in for the rest of the night.

So, yeah. I love Thursdays.

One of my favorite parts of my nightly routine is washing my face. I love anything that has a process: cooking, cleaning, painting, working out... I have a pretty set routine when I wash my face. My only complaint is that I'm still trying to find my ideal face cleanser. The upside is that I have found the PERFECT moisturizer! I'm talking Holy Grail, end-all-be-all, would go to the ends of the Earth to find it, moisturizer.

Burt's Bees Intense Hydration Night Cream with Clary Sage

My roommate had actually bought this while we were in Florida. I couldn't find my regular moisturizer (Mary Kay) so I used this one and fell in LOVE! It is a very thick cream, so very little is needed which is good because I don't use up the jar very quickly. This cream is relatively expensive (around $11) so I like that it lasts for a while.

After I wash my face, I lather this on my face and when I wake up, I feel hydrated. Virginia air is very different from Florida air and my skin has been really agitated, so this night cream is literally a Godsend!
